logo. (626) 584-9804 Unique Wedding Invitations and do it yourself wedding invitationsAbout Fine Paper Co.


If you are not receiving your free samples on time, this is why. We've had a bit of an emergency with our black labrador, Mathilda. Wanna puppy? They may or may not be half Rottweiller.
Helen feeding new pups Matilda Lying There.1 Matilda Lying There.2 Matilda lying there.3
e-mail Helen for a free puppy (or you can ask Scott)
Our puppies are 24 hours old in these photographs.
1 Pup 2 Pup 3 Pup 4 Pup 5 Pup

1 Pup

2 Pup

3 Pup

4 Pup

5 Pup

THE RUNT(pup #10)

6 Pup

Ha-a-a-ng on Sloopie

Sloopie hang on...

6 Pup

7 Pup

Back to Pup 4 or see Pup 6

8 Pup

9 Pup

10 Pup